Maciej Główka
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March 30, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 2 - The player

In the previous part we ended up with a simple board / map layout displayed. Today I'd like to add a next element to that - spawn the player character.You can see the source code for this part in the repo branch here: PiecesI like to design turn-based games as if they where board games. So if we have a board, we should also have pieces t…
March 18, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 1

Note: this tutorial has been created for a rather old version of Bevy (0.10). While it still can be a useful read for some parts, there is a more 'modern' approach to turn-based mechanics presented in a newer post: I have been fiddling with the Bevy Engine for more or less a year now, working mostly on turn-…
Dec. 6, 2022

Text-based (JSON, Toml) resources in Bevy engine

Even when building a simple game, you might at some point want to keep the data / stats outside of your source code. A structured text file format, like JSON or Toml might sound like a good, not overly complicated, solution. Unfortunately, the Bevy engine does not support loading those out-of-the-box at the moment (I am at v 0.9).You might just think, that loading text data is easy enough to hand…
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