Maciej Główka
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July 15, 2021

Batch GLTF material variants in Blender

I have been working for the last couple of months on an AR marketplace for furniture makers - Obviously we use Blender for our 3d model preparation. Lots of furniture pieces are customizable - usually in terms of finishing / materials. Even though the GLTF format supports shader variants nowadays, I am not aware of such a functionality in Blender's exporter. So, in order to save us…
April 15, 2021

Pre-export file flattening in Blender

Quite recently I have been creating a Blender model that was intended for further animation and rendering in Lightwave. We were using FBX as an exchange format. Unfortunately there were lots of issues with the transfer.One thing I have noticed that helped significantly was model triangulation before the export. The asset was actually a quite complex gothic-style castle, build from many many Blend…
March 28, 2021

Excel based batch rendering in Blender

Recently I have been working on some product renderings that involve lots of different shader and studio setups for the same objects. Basically every object has multiple colour combinations eg. white-white, white-blue, white-red, blue-white and so on. Also different colours needed different lighting setups to look correctly in the renderings. So a friend (we work together on this project) suggest…