Maciej Główka
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April 2, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 4 - NPC units

In the previous part we have left off after developing a functioning action queue - for our turn-based logic. This time we are going to make a use of it and add some moving NPCs to the game.Final code for this one is on the branch here: SpawningLast time we have already created an Actor component that enables certain entities to perform ac…
April 1, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 3 - Action queue

In the previous part of this series we have managed to display, move and do some basic animation of the player character. This time we will start thinking about adding some NPC units. However before we do that we have to figure some turn related mechanics first.Beware though, I believe that's the most tricky aspect of doing turn-based games (at least for me so far). It is much more complex t…
March 30, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 2 - The player

In the previous part we ended up with a simple board / map layout displayed. Today I'd like to add a next element to that - spawn the player character.You can see the source code for this part in the repo branch here: PiecesI like to design turn-based games as if they where board games. So if we have a board, we should also have pieces t…
March 18, 2023

Bevy roguelike tutorial / devlog part 1

Note: this tutorial has been created for a rather old version of Bevy (0.10). While it still can be a useful read for some parts, there is a more 'modern' approach to turn-based mechanics presented in a newer post: I have been fiddling with the Bevy Engine for more or less a year now, working mostly on turn-…
Dec. 6, 2022

Text-based (JSON, Toml) resources in Bevy engine

Even when building a simple game, you might at some point want to keep the data / stats outside of your source code. A structured text file format, like JSON or Toml might sound like a good, not overly complicated, solution. Unfortunately, the Bevy engine does not support loading those out-of-the-box at the moment (I am at v 0.9).You might just think, that loading text data is easy enough to hand…
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